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>>about nimbuzz<<

Nimbuzz is a new-generation mobile service, designed for the online age, making you more mobile.

The multi award-winning Nimbuzz application enables people to enjoy free & low cost mobile calls, free instant messaging, social networking and other rich communication features, using the internet capabilities of the their mobile device.

At the heart of Nimbuzz is the live Contact list – an always-on, hyper-connected, dynamic address book, enhanced with “real-time-presence” showing at a glance who’s online, offline, busy or away, their status messages, avatar pictures and social community activity. From here, users launch free and cheap calls between each other, IM chat sessions, picture sending, chat-room sessions, location based services and various other communication & interactive features.

Social networks & communities supported by Nimbuzz include Skype®, Facebook®, Windows Live Messenger (MSN®), GoogleTalkTM, Twitter, Yahoo!TM, AIM®, MySpace, ICQ®, GaduGadu, Hyves, StudiVZ, Giovani and others.

created by anand-csk@nimbuzz.com


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